Friday, December 7, 2012

Word Bank: Use these vocabulary words in your responses. Please underline or make letters bold when you use them. 

Stencil                 Spray Paint       Xacto Knife        Positive/Negative Space
Composition    Collage                Photoshop        Threshold              Contrast

1. Explain how you changed your photo in the lab to create a stencil.
I cut out the black and made the windows and entrances the space where you would see the spray paint
2. When creating the collage background explain your choices of colors, materials (magazine paper, books pages, etc), and placement. How does it relate to your topic? If no relation discuss general idea.
I used purple blue and pink as the background so you could see a good combination of colors
3. Discuss the way positive and negative space was used to create your stencil.
i cut out the negative space so you could see windows in the picture and the outline of the structure
4. When using the xacto knife, explain the safety procedures, how to use the knife and any challenges you had to overcome while cutting.
you had to cut away from yourself because it was a sharp knife and was dangerous
5. How was your experience with the spray paint? Discuss how color choice is important, placement of stencil, and any other concepts you noticed while creating this. i liked the spray painting part because we got to go outside and i like spray painting the most out of everything we have done so far.

Monday, October 22, 2012

1. Explain the process you went through to develop your drawing.
i traced it on tracing paper then copied it to the sketchbook then shaded in certain areas

2. Explain how you found the different values in the portrait?

3.  Did you achieve a full range of the different values within your portrait?  How?

4. Describe your craftsmanship.  Is the artwork executed and crafted neatly?

5. List any obstacles you had to overcome and how you dealt with them.


1.     Describe the overall composition of your artwork (balance, unity, rhythm and movement).
  the balance was shown by how the negative space worked with the positive space
2.     How did you add texture and contrast to your print? Is this important? Why?
i cut out the space that i need and when the test print was done i cut out other spaces where the ink wasnt needed
3.     Explain how you used positive and negative space to show your image.
the blue was positive and the green which was negative used depth to show foreground and background
4.     Describe the craftsmanship of your print. (How good the project is technically crafted)
its cut in good spots to show where the lines go and where there is texture
5.     Were you able to achieve depth by showing a foreground, middle ground and back- ground? Explain.
yes because the further back things were the smaller i made them so the looked farther away
6.     Explain your experience with Printmaking. What were the obstacles and advantages?
the thing we cut the image on we sometimes move around and get everywhere on the paper

Thursday, October 4, 2012

1. Why is texture so important to have in your sketches?
To show where the animal is in comparison to where the other objects are to make them seem like its not flat and it looks more realistic
2. Why is it neccessary for you to have several references of each animal and each background? Explain.
so you can add a little for each to make the background as realistic as possible so you can see the different types of places the animal might live in                                                                                                                                                           
 3. When you look at your sketches are you able to see which sketch is the strongest and will make the best print? How do you know this? 
The one with the most texture so you will be able to see where the black lines would be added and where the black will be cut out in the final piece

chalk murals

1. Explain your experience working on a team and executing your ideas for the mural.
I liked the overall project and working i just didnt get along with some of my group which took away some of the fun from the project.
2. Explain the importance of collaboration when working on a team.
while being a team player is important you also want a group that you can work well with to avoid personal issues and arguements.
3.  How successful was this project? Explain how and why.
over all i say our group did pretty successful becuase of how neat and well the final image looked on the wall and how it interacted with the people that stood by it
4. Explain how you feel about creating artwork that others can interact with. Ex. Invoving the whole school? 
I liked the project and the original sketch but i dont like some of the things that were added by group members while working with chalk. I dont think that the penguin was a good choice to add

Friday, September 7, 2012

1. Describe your overall thoughts on the final piece.
I liked it becausen i thought the shading was fun

2. if this was a group project, what was your contribution?
if this was a group project i would have contributed shading

3. How successful do you feel this piece is and why?
i think it was good but it couldve been better

4. What worked about this project? What didn’t work?
the shading was good but the shapes couldve been neater

5. If you were to do this project over again, what changes would you consider making?
i would change the shapes size and the neatness of them.

6. What was the most difficult part about completing this piece and why?
keeping the lines straight because we didnt have rulers and i dont have the steadiest hand

7. What did you learn from this piece?
i learned that shading the right way is important and mixing the colors so you cant tell where certain shades mix together

Value Portraits Art Critique

Self evaluation (must write at least 3 sentences for each question)

1. Explain the process you went through to develop your drawing.
first we used some of favorite animals within the groups then we thought of things these animals did and where they might be and we decided to use fish in a fish bowl with a person trapped inside

2. Explain how you found the different values in the portrait?
the blue is darker on one side of the fish bowl because they light doesnt reach the left as well because the light source is on the right

3.  Did you achieve a full range of the different values within your portrait?  How?
yes because we used more pressure and darker colors the closer to the right we get and we blended ligher colors to make it lighter towards the left

4. Describe your craftsmanship.  Is the artwork executed and crafted neatly?
yes we outlined everything in the picture before we colored so we didnt mix anything that wasnt supposed mix together

5. List any obstacles you had to overcome and how you dealt with them.
our group didnt have any tall people so it was harder to reach the things we had higher up in the picture